(The SNAPP Roundup is a daily article showcasing the *noteworthy* mobile games released on the App Store. Newly released iOS games are updated as soon as possible, so check back often.)
Goooooood morning/afternoon/evening or whenever the hell you are actually reading this! It’s a new release week on the App Store, so that means a brand spankin new SNAPP Roundup!
Ho Ho Ho Glitches! It’s almost that time of year again. Time for the annual “App Store Freeze”. Those of you that don’t know, the App Store shuts down for a week or two for the holidays. That means no new games and very little updates. I’m not exactly sure when the freeze will start this year due to Christmas being on the weekend. So, I’ll just keep things going as normal until I hear something or games just stop releasing. Anyway, let’s get this final week of 2021 started! Here’s this week’s all new iOS Roundup! Snappy Holidays Glitches!!
Games, Role Playing, AdventureFreeiOS Universal
Games, Strategy, Role PlayingFree
Link not found.: (WP Applink)
Games, Adventure, Role Playing$14.99iOS Universal
Games, Adventure, Casual$4.99iOS Universal
Games, Entertainment, Adventure, PuzzleFreeiOS Universal
Games, Sports, SimulationFree
Games, Sports, Simulation, SportsFreeiOS Universal
Link not found.: (WP Applink)
Link not found.: (WP Applink)
Games, Casual, RacingFreeiOS Universal
Link not found.: (WP Applink)
Games, Strategy, Role Playing$0.99iOS Universal
Games, Simulation, Entertainment, CasualFreeiOS Universal
Link not found.: (WP Applink)
Games, Casual, Role Playing, EntertainmentFreeiOS Universal
Link not found.: (WP Applink)
Games, ActionFreeiOS Universal
Games, Action, CasualFree
Games, Casual, Simulation, EntertainmentFreeiOS Universal
Games, Puzzle, CasualFreeiOS Universal
Link not found.: (WP Applink)
Link not found.: (WP Applink)
Link not found.: (WP Applink)
Games, Action, Adventure$4.99iOS Universal
Games, Sports, Strategy, SportsFreeiOS Universal
Games, StrategyFreeiOS Universal
Games, Strategy, Casual$12.99iOS Universal
Games, Sports, Casual, Entertainment$3.99iOS Universal
Games, Entertainment, Action, CasualFreeiOS Universal
Games, Strategy, ActionFree
NOEN (@hashtagNOEN)
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