SNAPP Attack’s “Class of 2019”!

Well, another year has passed on the App Store and another year of games have passed. It’s funny. All year, we hear about how mobile gaming is going downhill or how F2P is killing the industry. Hell, I’m guilty of it myself! Then I start going through all the games that released the last 365 days and I’m blown away.

2019 was one hell of a year for mobile games. We had a ton of brand new titles that were released, but what stood out the most when going over everything were all the ports! We had more ports of popular console/PC games this year than I think I’ve ever seen in previous years. It just goes to show that mobile gaming is still alive and well.

Now, I know that all the other gaming websites are doing their own “best of” articles. With all the big games that were released this year, I’m sure there are some really good lists out there. So, I highly recommend you go check them all out. But, I wanted to try and do something a little different. Instead of doing a list of all the same games that are probably on everyone else’s list this year, I wanted to do a list of this year’s “underdogs”. A list of some of the best iOS games that released this year that didn’t get half of the attention that they deserved.

Here is SNAPP Attack’s Class of 2019!

‎OneBit Adventure
Price: Free+

Price: Free

‎Trucks Off Road
Price: Free+

Price: $1.99

‎Bronze Hoof
Price: Free+

‎Birk's Adventure
Price: $2.99

‎Norman's Night In
Price: $2.99

Price: Free+

‎Super Arcade Racing
Price: Free+

‎Dungeon Drop
Price: Free+

Price: Free+

Price: $2.99

‎Adventure Pinball
Price: $1.99+

Price: Free+

Price: $1.99

Price: $0.99

‎Bouncer Story
Price: $4.99

Price: $2.99

‎Unbroken Soul
Price: $3.99

‎Game of Gods
Price: Free+

‎Knights of Tartarus
Price: $3.99

‎Death Hall
Price: $2.99

‎BoxCar Racing
Price: Free

‎Rush Rally 3
Price: $4.99+

‎Immortal Rogue
Price: $4.99

‎Monocular Enemy
Price: Free

Price: $2.99

‎Dark Zone Defense
Price: $2.99


NOEN (@hashtagNOEN)

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