Circle Status iOS SNAPP REVIEW (and this week’s SNAPP CHALLENGE!)

(SNAPP Reviews aren’t really full-fledged game reviews as much as they are just a way for us to give you a quick “heads-up” on whether a game is good or not. It usually means that we haven’t finished the game yet, but have played a good enough chunk to know if it’s worth your time or money.)


I know I know. I missed last week’s Challenge. It’s always tough finding the right game. I think I’ve found a good one this week though! Circle Status is a high-score chaser that released this week by Anaphylactic Applications. It’s an odd game where your social status is determined by the number of angles on your body. It’s an avoidance-style game where you need to consume shapes. You start off as a triangle and need to only consume other triangles. Once you’ve collected enough, you’ll turn into a square and can only consume squares. You’ll keep gaining angles until you eventually become the ultimate circle. It’s a simple concept, but is actually really challenging. Throw in some power-ups and the weird little story and it’s actually a pretty cool little game. There’s no GameCenter, but it does have it’s own leaderboards. That’s where we will keep track of this week’s scores.

If you want to get in on this week’s SNAPP Challenge, just post a screenshot of your high-score in our Discord or on social media with the hashtag, #SNAPPChallenge! The competition usually goes until Monday morning.

‎Circle Status
Price: Free+

Circle Status is also in this week’s iOS Roundup!

NOEN (@hashtagNOEN)

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