Kaiju Attack 2 iOS SNAPP Review!

(SNAPP Reviews aren’t really full-fledged game reviews as much as they are just a way for us to give you a quick “heads-up” on whether a game is good or not. It usually means that we haven’t finished the game yet, but have played a good enough chunk to know if it’s worth your time or money.)

Yay! It’s time for a new Game Stew title! I’m a huge fan of this developer, so I was excited when I saw this one pop up on the App Store. Kaiju Attack 2 is the sequel to the original Kaiju game that was released a couple of years ago. Kaiju Attack 2’s core gameplay loop is pretty similar to the first game. The world is being overrun with monsters and you need to eliminate the threat by matching 3 or more of the same tiles. Each type of tile represents something different. Cannons are your attack power, people are your health, and so on. As match tiles, your stats will improve helping you take down the monsters via turn-based attacks. This time around, the board is a bit larger making the game a bit more strategic and faster paced. As you progress, you’ll earn currency that you can use to upgrade your army and research new secret weapons. To be honest, Kaiju 2 is pretty much the same game as the original with new bosses and some quality of life improvements. There’s not a whole lot else that has changed. So, if you liked the first game, chances are that you’ll like this one. Regardless of it being more of the same thing, I’m still having a blast with it and can easily recommend Kaiju Attack 2.

Check out gameplay on TikTok!

Also on our YouTube channel!

Paul (@hashtagNOEN)

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