Price ATTACK! Burnstar

Last year’s action-puzzle game by Nerve Software is currently on sale for 90% off right now!…

Riddled Corpses EX SWITCH REVIEW!

I don’t know what it is about killing zombies, but they are just so damn fun…

Turbo Mixtape SNAPP REVIEW!

(SNAPP Reviews aren’t really a full-fledged game review as much as they are just a way…

The Weekly Attack! (July 1 to 7)

(The Weekly Attack is kind of a “heads-up” on what is coming up in the video…

iOS Roundup (July 1 to 7)

(The SNAPP Roundup is an ongoing daily article showcasing the noteworthy mobile games released on the…

Devolver Digital celebrates My Friend Pedro’s success!

This week publisher, Devolver Digital announced that their latest title, My Friend Pedro had an absolutely…


(SNAPP Reviews aren’t really a full-fledged game review as much as they are just a way…

What Remains of Edith Finch is coming to the Switch!

The Nintendo Switch has become my go-to console for indie games this generation. It seems like…


This one was a tough one to review! Bot Vice is a cabal-shooter that just released…

Forgotton Anne SNAPP REVIEW!

(SNAPP Reviews aren’t really a full-fledged game review as much as they are just a way…