5NAPP: We Built This City!

(SNAPP 5 is not a “best of” compilation, but more of a list of just five great iOS games that have some kind of connection between them.)

One of my favorite genres for killing time on the iPad or even iPhone are city building games. They are almost perfect for the platform with most games being a lot of tapping and dragging. Unfortunately, there are so many games out there that it’s hard to find a city builder that isn’t trying to build a bridge to your wallet. So, here’s five iOS city building games that’ll have you……well, building a city. There’s really not much else that they do.

‎Pocket Build
Price: $0.99+

Price: Free+

‎Pocket City
Price: $2.99

‎Concrete Jungle
Price: $4.99

Price: Free+

NOEN (@hashtagNOEN)


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