(The SNAPP Roundup is an ongoing daily article showcasing the noteworthy mobile games released on the App Store. Newly released iOS games are updated as soon as possible, so check back often.)
Goooooood morning/afternoon/evening or whenever the hell you are actually reading this! It’s a new release week on the App Store, so that means a brand spankin new SNAPP Roundup!
July is here, but the new games are bringing all the heat! (Hell yea, that felt cool saying!) Last week, we saw a TON of great games released! Void Tyrant, Dream Daddy, Forgotton Anne, Graveyard Keeper, the list goes on! You can always check out last week’s GAME Roundup if you missed anything. This week is already off to a good start with NimbleBit’s LEGO Tower and Unbroken Soul by. Chorrus Games.
So, let’s get this party started!! Here’s this week’s SNAPP Roundup of new iOS games!!

(Congrats to all the developers and their teams that released a new game this week!)
NOEN (@hashtagNOEN)