(The Weekly Attack is a “heads-up” on what’s coming up in the video game industry for the week.)

IT’S A BRAND NEW WEEK GLITCHES!! Time to see what’s coming out over the next 7 days!!
Last week was pretty slow, with the Nintendo Switch getting most of the action. Still, Summer Catchers on PC looked pretty good and who can forget Marvel Ultimate Alliance. This week is looking nice with Wolfenstein: Youngblood and Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Here’s this week’s ATTACK!
MONDAY July 22
Beyond: Two Souls (PC)
Swords & Souls: Neverseen (PC)
Rise: Race the Future (Nintendo Switch)
Caravan Stories (PS4)
Tetris Effect (PC, Rift, Vive)
Biotope Steam Early Access (PC)
Automachef (PC, Nintendo Switch)
Run the Fan (Nintendo Switch)
High Noon Revolver (Nintendo Switch)
EA Access PS4 launch (PS4 of course)
Iratus: Lord of the Dead Steam Early Access (PC)
Pawarumi (Xbox One, Nintendo Switch)
Battleship (Nintendo Switch)
Arma 3 Contact (PC)
Elea (PS4)
A Place for the Unwilling (PC)
Turok: Escape from Lost Valley (PC)
Fantasy Strike (PS4, Nintendo Switch)
Smoots Summer Games (PS4, Xbox One, Switch)
Songbird Symphony (PC, PS4, Switch)
Kill La Kill – If (PC, PS4, Switch on the 26th)
Raiden 5: Director’s Cut (Nintendo Switch)
Super Mega Baseball 2: Ultimate Edition (Nintendo Switch)
The Caged Garden Cock Robin (Nintendo Switch)
Zombie Driver: Immortal Edition (Nintendo Switch)
Picross Lord of the Nazarick (Nintendo Switch)
Collide-a-Ball 2 (Nintendo Switch)
Gunpowder on the Teeth: Arcade (Nintendo Switch)
Mighty Switch Force! Collection (Nintendo Switch)
FRIDAY July 26
Wolfenstein: Youngblood (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch)
Unlucky Seven (PC)
Tetsumo Party (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch)
Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot (Vive, PS VR)
Titans Pinball (Nintendo Switch)
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Nintendo Switch)
Remothered: Tormented Fathers (Nintendo Switch)
Garage Mechanic Simulator (Nintendo Switch)
Sheep in Hell (Nintendo Switch)
Tetsumo Party (Nintendo Switch)
Seeders Puzzle Reboot (Nintendo Switch)
(Any missed games or surprise releases will be added ASAP.)
NOEN (@hashtagNOEN)