One of the things that I absolutely love about the eShop on the Switch is that it’s gradually becoming what the App Store used to be around 8 years ago. Back when every week we were getting dozens of polished paid/premium games without any shenanigans. When you could basically purchase a game solely based on it’s screenshots and 9 times out of 10, feel good about it.
High Noon Revolver is a 2D action-platformer by Mike Studios under the Keybol Games publishing umbrella. The game takes place in the Wild Wild West (cue Will Smith) as you play as a lone sherif (at first). There isn’t much of a story involved. It’s just you and your trusty sidearm chasing down outlaws and collecting bounties.

High Noon Revolver plays out like a 3 layered platformer. There’s 3 different lanes that you can freely jump back and forth as you’re chasing down bandits. Controlling is fairly simple with just the joystick to move and a few buttons for jumping, shooting, and bombs. Don’t let the simplicity of the controls fool you though. This game is tough!! It may seem like a simple platformer at first, but things go full on “bullet hell” really quick! Not only are you dodging obstacles and shooting enemies, you’re also trying to avoid the onslaught of bullets coming your way. It takes everything you’ve got just to make it to the first checkpoint.

The game has a roguelike element mixed into it. So, at every checkpoint, you can purchase an upgrade with the coins you’ve collected. These are also stackable. But, once you die, that’s it. It’s game over. You lose your upgrades, money, and progress. This is nothing new with roguelikes, but I found myself getting sick of seeing the same few levels every single run. You may get to see something new here and there, but you’re playing the first handful of levels every single time you play. It gets repetitive and frustrating. You do earn a little bit of experience every run that goes towards unlocking new characters. So, it’s not a complete loss after you’re killed.

Regardless of the frustration, High Noon Revolver is still a really fun action- platformer. The characters are charming and the pixel art is well done. Having the 3 different layers makes this game stand out a little more than the rest. Plus, you can’t beat the price point. For $2.99, the game is definitely worth it.
NOEN (@hashtagNOEN)