(Coffee & Swiping is a random news-y/blogg-y article about the gaming industry and everything in between. It’s basically an excuse for Noen to ramble on about anything and everything that has to do with nothing.)

Forgive me family. It’s been awhile since my last confession…..
This C&S is more of just a heads-up than anything else. Sorry, I don’t have any juicy tea to spill. (Is that what the kids are saying?) So, I mentioned it on social media, but I just wanted to apologize for the site being heavy with ads right now. Ever since SNAPP Attack launched, I haven’t been able to get the ads to work for some reason. I’ve had people look at it to no avail. I’m kind of learning the ins and outs of web design/ads/coding/whatever as I go.

Anyway, I’ve finally figured out the problem with the ads and as you can see, they are working now…..maybe a little too much. I’m not physically putting all these ads in. It puts them in where is sees fit. I usually try and put in one or two ads an article. It doesn’t do much as far as revenue, but it’s at least something. So, bare with me as I find a happy medium. I honestly hate having to put ads on the site because it makes everything look so ugly. But, I’ve got to find some kind of way to earn more revenue. If you’d like to help me out with keeping SNAPP alive, please consider supporting me through the SNAPP Patreon if you can afford it. We’re close to 30% of our goal to guarantee the future of SNAPP. A big THANK YOU to everyone supporting me right now!! Also, if you own a business or have a game you want to promote and want to sponsor the site somehow, just shoot me an email at noen@snappzilla.com.

Long story short, bare with me on the excessive ads until I can find a good balance and please (if you can afford it) support my work through the SNAPP Patreon.
Keep on swiping glitches…….
NOEN (@hashtagNOEN)