SHAME of the Week is exactly what it reads. The shaming of a game (not developer) for whatever reasons that may be. This could be anything from clones, quick cash-grabs, rip-offs, etc.

Unfortunately, it’s that time again!
We ended up with a really good week for new games on the App Store! Of course, we’ve had our share of bad games this week too. With roughly 500 new games releasing every single day, there’s bound to be some here and there. Then there’s the REALLY bad games. The ones that you can almost smell through your device.

This week’s SHAME is the recently released, “Dude Jump 3D”. A game that has no shame in ripping off everything that made the 2016 hit, Doodle Jump successful. From the screenshots, Dude Jump looks like a 3D version of the original Doodle Jump character. Same weird yellow body and horn shaped nose. When you download the game, the title reads “Doodle Jump” under the app icon. Who knows? Maybe it’s all a misunderstanding and it’s actually a really good game! I mean, the app description reads, “Download 2020’s Best Game on the App Store”, so it’s got to be good right??
So, how does 2020’s “best game” play? I don’t know. It wouldn’t work on every device I tried. I guess that’s fitting………
NOEN (@hashtagNOEN)