(SNAPP Reviews aren’t really full-fledged game reviews as much as they are just a way for us to give you a quick “heads-up” on whether a game is good or not. It usually means that we haven’t finished the game yet, but have played a good enough chunk to know if it’s worth your time or money.)
Anima: The Reign of Darkness is an action-RPG that recently released on the App Store by the team at Exilium Games. The best way to describe this game is that it’s a mobile version of Diablo. You can tell that the developer took a lot of inspiration from the classic series. You have three different classes to start off with. Warrior, Mage, and Archer. From there, you go right into the game. First thing you’ll notice is the polish. The story is well written with full voice acting, the visuals and sound are top notch. The on-screen controls work well with a v-stick and several buttons. My only complaint is that the text can be a bit small when playing on the iPhone, but everything is still legible. (Maybe I’m just getting old.) There’s honestly not much else to say. It’s a really well done action-RPG. There’s tons of loot and upgrades, lots of exploring, and the combat is a lot of fun. The one thing I didn’t notice were any F2P mechanics. I’ve played quite a bit so far and have come across any ads, IAPs, or timers. I keep waiting for them to pop up. Regardless, if your a fan of the Diablo series or action-RPGs in general, Anima: The Reign of Darkness is definitely worth checking out.
Anima: Reign of Darkness is also in this week’s iOS Roundup!
NOEN (@hashtagNOEN)
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