(SNAPP 5 is not a “best of” compilation, but more of a list of just five great iOS games that have some kind of connection between them.)

Another popular genre on the App Store are roguelike games. Roguelikes are a subgenre off of role-playing games that usually involves mechanics like procedurally generated levels and some sort of permadeath. The term “roguelike” comes from an old PC game from 1980 called Rogue. The game had elements of randomness in the level design, so any game that came out after with similar play styles was considered “like Rogue” or in other words, a “Rogue-like”. Today’s lesson is over class. How about a list of five iOS games like Rogue for homework?
(I’m sure there will be a part 2/3/4 of this list.)

NOEN (@hashtagNOEN)
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