(SNAPP Reviews aren’t really full-fledged game reviews as much as they are just a way for us to give you a quick “heads-up” on whether a game is good or not. It usually means that we haven’t finished the game yet, but have played a good enough chunk to know if it’s worth your time or money.)

Time Hardly Waits is a first-person puzzle game that recently released on the App Store by indie developer Skermunkel. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world where you take on the role of a lone soldier that’s trying to investigate a mysterious machine that could hold the key to bringing humanity back. Unfortunately, things don’t go as planned and you are sent into a separate realm that defies the bounds of space and time. It’s a crazy story with even crazier level designs. I found myself playing longer than expected just to see what was going to happen next. Time Hardly Waits is an absolutely beautiful looking abstract adventure with fairly smooth controls. The puzzles can be a little tricky at times, but nothing that had me stuck more than a couple minutes. Things can also get a bit disorienting once in a while depending on where you’re at. But, that’s all part of the charm of this game. If you’re a fan of puzzlers or are looking for something a little different, Time Hardly Waits is a gorgeous adventure that’s definitely worth your time.
Time Hardly Waits is also in this week’s iOS Roundup!
NOEN (@hashtagNOEN)
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