(SNAPP Reviews aren’t really full-fledged game reviews as much as they are just a way for us to give you a quick “heads-up” on whether a game is good or not. It usually means that we haven’t finished the game yet, but have played a good enough chunk to know if it’s worth your time or money.)

Ponpu is a puzzle-y action game by Purple Tree Studio that recently released on the App Store. This was actually a surprise to see pop up. It originally released on the Switch back in November of last year. As it says in the game’s short description on the App Store, Ponpu takes a lot from the classic Bomberman game. Basically, you play as one of 4 characters (you can pick whichever one you want at any time) as you make your way through 3 different worlds full of crazy enemies, traps, and enormous bosses. The object is to get through each level by only using your bombs. The first few levels are fairly easy, but once you get past the first world, there’s a bit of strategy involved. Controls are a bit clunky with a 4-way v-stick and button combination, but they get the job done. The biggest draw in this game are the visuals. They are absolutely beautiful and the character design is wacky and charming all together. I haven’t finished Ponpu yet, but I’ve been enjoying myself so far. My only issue with the game is that it’s a fraction of the full version. The Switch has 4-player multiplayer with 3 game modes, Team Deathmatch, Coin Chase, Color Fight, and of course the campaign. The iOS version only comes with the campaign and it looks to be pretty short. Ponpu is a fun little game for what we get. Yea, it’s only $1.99 on iOS, but I would have liked to at least had the option to pay for the full game. So, if you don’t own a Switch, the short campaign is still worth the couple of bucks. But, if you own a Switch, I’d recommend getting Ponpu on there.
Ponpu is also in this week’s SNAPP Roundup!
NOEN (@hashtagNOEN)
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