(SNAPP Reviews aren’t really full-fledged game reviews as much as they are just a way for us to give you a quick “heads-up” on whether a game is good or not. It usually means that we haven’t finished the game yet, but have played a good enough chunk to know if it’s worth your time or money.)
Craft Hero is a sandbox survival game by PandaCat that was recently released on the App Store under the OkJoy umbrella. It’s a game about gathering resources and building by day, while defending what you’ve built at night. I almost skipped this one due to the screenshots looking like the hundreds of other games on the App Store. Luckily, I gave it a try. Craft Hero starts off a bit slow, but once you sink a little time into it, the game can get pretty addictive. Movement, gathering resources, and fighting is all done with a single tap of the screen. While crafting and building is done under menus. The font can be a bit small if you’re playing on a phone, but is thankfully still legible. The game really starts to excel when you start researching and building. I found myself spending most of my time trying to build a fortress that could defend itself without the help of me. That way I could collect resources day or night without having to go back. Craft Hero is a solid survival game with plenty of things to keep you busy. If you have the patience to stick with it through the slow beginning, this one is definitely worth checking out.

Be the last hope of humankind! Organize the villagers to battle against the army of the BOSS! Gather resources erect a dungeon Gather diverse materials from the planet, such as wood a…
Paul (@hashtagNOEN)
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