(SNAPP Reviews aren’t really full-fledged game reviews as much as they are just a way for us to give you a quick “heads-up” on whether a game is good or not. It usually means that we haven’t finished the game yet, but have played a good enough chunk to know if it’s worth your time or money.)

Tiny Town Defense is an action-defense style game that was recently released on the App Store by Kataclysmal Games. In this game you play as Mayor L.T. of Tiny Town and your job is to protect the town from incoming imp attacks. Tiny Town Defense plays like a vertical tower defense game for the most part. Your character auto-shoots as hordes of enemies are constantly dropping down from the top of the screen. So, all you need to do is move left and right by sliding your thumb across the screen. Killed enemies will drop power-ups and buffs to help keep your run going. This is an endless game, so your main objective is to last as long as possible and get the highest score. (Thankfully it has GameCenter leaderboards) Tiny Town Defense is a lot of fun to play. The controls are tight and shooting down enemies is really satisfying. My main issue is that the game is pretty stingy with giving up coins. As you progress, you’ll earn coins from either playing or completing achievements. You can then use these coins to purchase new skins, bullets, and buffs. Unfortunately, all these things are priced fairly high. Items range from 1k to 30k with most items being closer to 5k and above. I’ve played quite a bit and have completed a whole bunch of achievements and have only accumulated 650 coins. You can unlock everything for $5.00 in the shop, but where’s the fun in that? Even though it’s a grind-fest, Tiny Town Defense is still a decent little game. If you’re looking for something fun to play or want a piece of me in the leaderboards, it may be worth checking out.
Tiny Town Defense is also in this week’s SNAPP Roundup!

Paul (@hashtagNOEN)
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