(SNAPP Reviews aren’t really full-fledged game reviews as much as they are just a way for us to give you a quick “heads-up” on whether a game is good or not. It usually means that we haven’t finished the game yet, but have played a good enough chunk to know if it’s worth your time or money.)
Athenian Rhapsody is a comedic RPG by Top Hat Studios that was recently released on the App Store. In this game you play as “yourself” as you go on a journey of creating your very own story. I’ll first say that Athenian Rhapsody is a weird game. It may seem normal at first, but as you start going down rabbit holes and meeting new characters, you’ll find yourself saying “wtf” at every corner you turn. Outside of the game’s witty writing, the fighting and puzzles have been what keeps me coming back. The fighting is somewhat similar to the fighting in the game Undertale. You never know how each encounter is going to go. Athenian Rhapsody gives each player a unique experience with puzzles that cater to you. I found myself entertained every minute that I had the app open. I will say that the game has a lot of text. It’s not something that you can pop into and play for a minute here and there. I also found the game a bit confusing at first. But all was forgotten once I got through the first 45 minutes or so. You only come across a game like Athenian Rhapsody every once in a while. It’s witty, unique, and well worth checking out regardless of the type of games you like to play.

Paul (@hashtagNOEN)
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