(SNAPP Reviews aren’t really full-fledged game reviews as much as they are just a way for us to give you a quick “heads-up” on whether a game is good or not. It usually means that we haven’t finished the game yet, but have played a good enough chunk to know if it’s worth your time or money.)
Lost for Swords is a deck builder/roguelike that was recently released on the App Store by developer Maximilian Csuk of Max Bytes (Nub’s Adventure). In this game you play as a knight (at first) as you make your way through procedurally generated dungeons. The object is to make it through each floor without dying. As you pick up cards, you’ll add them to your deck. Cards can range from weapons, armor, loot, and more. The fighting is turn-based, so there’s no rush while playing. Lost for Swords is a game of numbers. It’s all about making sure your attack/defense numbers are higher than your enemy. This creates quite a bit of strategy seeing how once you use a card, it’s gone. Every move that you make needs to be calculated if you want to stay alive. I’ve really been having a lot of fun with this game so far! Lost for Swords is constantly keeping you on your toes with something new thrown at you every couple levels. There are tons of new enemies to run across and even more unique cards to find. Lost for Swords is a game that will be on a lot of people’s lists at the end of the year. It’s got a really fun gameplay loop that keeps you hooked once you get things figured out. If you’re a fan of roguelikes or deck builders, I highly recommend checking this one out.
Lost for Swords is also in this week’s SNAPP Roundup!

Paul (@hashtagNOEN)
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