Graveyard Keeper iOS SNAPP REVIEW!

Graveyard Keeper is a medieval management sim of sorts by Lazy Bear Games under the TinyBuild umbrella. You play as a recently deceased man that ends up in the afterlife being forced to be…..well, a medieval graveyard keeper. This is definitely not an accurate simulation of graveyard management and that’s what’s so great about it. There’s so much dark humor everywhere you turn. Like, grinding up fresh bodies and selling them for burger meat. There is honestly, so much to do in this game. Between sprucing up your graveyard, managing bodies, facing ethical dilemmas, dungeon crawling, and a ton more. I’ve heard people call it a “darker version of Stardew Valley” and they are kinda right. There are some similarities, but they are two totally different games. Unfortunately, Graveyard Keeper was off to a rough start when it launched on iOS. There were save issues, controller issues, and a whole lot of crashes. I lost about 2 hours of gameplay on my first run due to a crash. Since then, there have been several updates fixing all the problems. With the crash issues mostly fixed, Graveyard Keeper is a hell of a lot of fun. The v-stick controls work well and I absolutely love the pixel art work. I want to say “GO OUT AND GET THIS GAME!” But, I’m not 100% sure if all the bugs are fixed yet. I will say that the game has been working well after the last update. And I have faith in Lazy Bear and TinyBuild in seeing the issues through.

‎Graveyard Keeper
Price: $9.99+

NOEN (@hashtagNOEN)

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